Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The following article from:
HEALTHbeat         Issue:   September 1, 2012

With today's hectic lifestyles, most of us end up eating out at least once a week.  That could mean grabbing a sandwich from the supermarket deli counter for lunch, ordering take-out for dinner, or splurging on a special meal at a favorite restaurant.

Meal's away from home make it harder to control ingredients, calories, and portions.  This can be particularly challenging for people with Type 2 diabetes (and for those of us trying to avoid getting this condition).  The following tips can help you enjoy eating out without abandoning your efforts to eat well.

Ask how food is prepared.  Before you order, ask about ingredients and how the menu selections are prepared.  Try to choose dishes made with whole grains, healthy oil, vegetables, and lean proteins.  Meat that has been broiled, poached, baked, or grilled is a more healthy-conscious option than fried foods or dishes prepared with heavy sauces.

Look for Less.  Your eyes are a perfect instrument for sizing up portion sizes.  Use your estimating techniques to size up food on your plate.

*  1 thumb tip = 1 teaspoon of peanut butter, butter, or sugar
*  1 finger = 1 oz. of cheese
*  1 fist = 1 cup cereal, pasta or vegetables
*  1 handful = 1 oz of nuts or pretzels
*  1 palm = 3 oz. of meat, fish or poultry.

Plan on eating half your meal and take the rest home to enjoy for lunch or dinner the next day.  (I do this all the time)

Order an extra side of veggies.  Non-starchy vegetables, such as green beans, broccoli, asparagus or summer squash, will help you fill up with low-calorie choices.

Think ahead.  Learn important nutrition information ahead of time.  Most fast-food chains provide calories, sodium, and fat content for their menu items.  Chick out www.calorieking.com for a listing of over 50,000 foods, including many restaurant items.  You can also visit company-specific websites (such as www.mcdonalds.com or www.pizzahut.com) for nutrition breakdowns, or call and request pamphlet.  Many locations display posters with this type of nutrition information.

                                                    # # #

My Comments:  I have gone on line many, many times to check out their menues.  I have ever put together 2 huge binders of restaurant menues with all the necessary nutritional information, including numerous restaurants who include the most common foods people are allergic to.  It is now routine and automatic for me to check out restaurant information, no matter where I go.  Because I am gluten-intolerant this is a necessary part of my life for many reasons.

I am not ashamed to say that at one point my highest weight was 198#.  I am proud to say I am now 110#, my high school weight :).

Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to help family and friends when you go out together.  Gloria

Monday, July 16, 2012


The American Diabetes Association has listed 10 top foods that may help keep this potentially deadly disease at bay.

Incorporate them into your daily diet and increase the amount of exercise you do daily to successfully prevent and treat diabetes.

The American Diabetes Association recommends 10 foods that can regulate sugar levels while providing essential nutrients like calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium and vitamins A, C, and E.

1.  Beans - kidney, black, navy or pinto beans are chock-full of nutrition.  A half cut provides 1/3 your daily fiber requirements and also magnesium and potassium.

2.  Dark Leafy greens - spinach, chard or kale are full of vitamins and minerals.
3.  Citrus fruit - grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes to get your soluble fiber and vitamin C.
4.   Berries - blueberries, strawberries or any colorful variety are loaded with antioxidants and fiber.
5.  Sweet potatoes - a starchy vegetable packed with vitamin A and fiber.  Use instead of regular potatoes.
6.  Tomatoes - raw, pureed or in a sauce, they provide vitamin C, iron and vitamin E.
7.  Whole grains - barley, oatmeal, rice and other grains are rich in magnesium, chromium, omega-3 fatty acids and folate.
8.  Nuts - an ounce of nuts helps suppress appetite and contains magnesium and fiber.  Also, walnuts and flax seeds have omega-3 fatty acids.
9.  Fat-free milk and yogurt - thy provide calcium for strong bones and are fortified with vitamin D, vital to overall health.
10. Fish - salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids.  Steam, bake or broil, but avoid breaded or fried versions.

It takes awhile to figure how to eat properly for your particular body.  Everyone is different in health, metabolism's, allergies, etc.  This list is one that I have incorporated into my eating plan on a regular basis.

Have a great day.  Gloria

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The list of the dirty dozen rank the highest for pesticide residue by the FDA and the Department of Agriculture.

This is a second food list I found and have published.   Their are some differences from the previous list, I published in March.  I wanted to make sure you had both lists.  We can never be too safe in the food we eat and what we might have to scrub, soak or peel.

1.    Apples
2.    Celery
3.    Sweet bell peppers
4.    Peaches
5.    Strawberries
6.    Imported nectarines
7.    Grapes
8.    Spinach
9.    Lettuce
10.  Cucumbers
11.  Domestic blueberries
12.  Potatoes

1.    Onions.
2.    Sweet corn
3.    Pineapples
4.    Avocado
5.    Cabbage
6.    Sweet peas
7.    Asparagus
8.    Mangoes
9.    Eggplant
10.  Kiwi
11.  Domestic cantaloupe
12.   Sweet potatoes
13.   Grapefruit
14.  Watermelon
15.   Mushrooms

Thank you Channel 15 for publishing and broadcasting this important information.

Be safe and I hope you are staying out of the heat and away from the fires.  Gloria

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Maintaining Weight and Cancaer Treatment

Cancer is a difficult disease to fight for most people.  The effects of cancer can be physically and emotionally draining as your body fights for survival.  However, eating a healthy, nutritious diet can help with the symptoms of cancer as well as the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Healthy Eating Equates Better Survival Rates

According to the National Cancer Institute nutrition is an important aspect of cancer treatment.  In study after study, the cancer and mesothelioma survival rate improves for patients during and after treatment when they eat and drink enough of the foods the body requires.

Patients who do not eat enough foods high in nutrients frequently suffer from malnutrition, which can compromise a person's ability to fight infection, cause weight loss and loss of strength.  Patients who eat a healthy diet and are well nourished before and during cancer treatment have a better long term chance of recovery than those who do not.

Loss of Appetite

One of the most common side effects of cancer and cancer treatment loss of appetite.  This condition can result in anorexia, in which a person stops eating or has difficulty eating, resulting in weight loss.  Anorexia can occur at almost any stage of cancer, but it is extremely common in advanced stages.

Cachexia is a condition that is common in people with lung, upper gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic cancer.  It is marked by loss of appetite, general malaise, loss of muscle strength and muscle loss.

Both anorexia and cachexia can result in malnutrition and it is possible to have both conditions at the same time.  It is important to watch for signs of either cachexia or anorexia and correct them early, since it is difficult to reverse problems with appetite, particularly as cancer advances.

Medical Treatment of Weight Loss

Because maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important during cancer treatment, many doctors and oncologists will recommend medications to improve appetite.  Medications may help with digestion, increase appetite, prevent constipation, improve uncomfortable mouth symptoms, prevent diarrhea and treat pain.

Food Recommendations

Many patients find that eating small amounts of food every two to three hours can help them eat more across the day, even if their appetite is poor.  Eating high calorie, high protein foods can help, including:

o  Muffins
o  Yogurt
o  Ice Cream
o  Milkshakes
o  Pudding
o  Crackers
o  Nutritional Supplement Drinks
o  Peanut Butter or Cream Cheese on Crackers
o  Deviled Eggs
o  Chocolate

Adding honey, butter and powdered milk to foods can add needed calories and protein.  For individuals with difficulty eating solid foods, smoothies, milkshakes juice and soup can be helpful foods to eat.

Eating enough food to maintain a healthy weight is critical for cancer patients.  By eating foods that are appealing in small amounts throughout the day, cancer patients may be able to avoid malnutrition and fight their cancer more easily.

Jillian McKee
Complementary Medicine Advocate

Jillian, thank you so much for sharing this nutritional information for cancer patients with all of us. I look forward to future articles from you.
Gloria Hildreth

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Do you love pizza but can only eat gluten-free?  Have you tried a gluten-free pizza?  Since pizza is one of my most favorite foods, I set out to try finding one that even resembles a real pizza.

First, I tried just buying a gluten-free pizza crust and making my own pizza with just cheese, sauce and pepperoni - not bad but could be better.

Second, I heard of a well known restaurant who advertises gluten-free pizza.  It was a disaster, as far as I was concerned.  It was dry, one of the pizza's came without any pepperoni and took forever to get it made right from the kitchen.  Sorry they said, because they were changing shifts.  Excuse me!

Third, I called a popular pizza establishment who advertised on TV gluten-free pizza.  I asked all the right questions - and you want to know the outcome of that?  Only the pizza crust was gluten-free but the other ingredients were not gluten-free.  Now tell me, how can you advertise that you have a gluten-free pizza when only the crust is gluten-free.  And how does this help the gluten-free person from becoming very, very sick with the toppings not being gluten-free.

My fourth try and an absolute winner was BJ's Restaurant and Brewhouse at 9748 W. Northern Ave.  These are 10" pizzas and totally gluten-free (which means the dough and even all the ingredients toppings are gluten-free).  They also have gluten-free salads and dressing, as well as many other items.  Try their gluten-free chocolate chip cookie right from the oven.  Oh my, I was in 7th heaven.

Don't take the restaurants word for anything.  Get it in writing and check it two or three times to make sure you get the correct information.  Try to get their menu by going on line and printing out their menu with all the nutritional information so that you are absolutely sure they are for real and not giving you half truths.

BJ's you are the best!  All of you have a great day, Gloria.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


If you are new to gluten-free food, the list below will help you with your shopping list.  Names of some stores are listed.  If there is no store name listed you can find the item at most grocery stores.

This list was compiled by Lori Wieters for those who are gluten-intolerant as well as those on a nutritional weight loss program (monitoring protein, carbs, fats and sodium).  You can do both and be a happy camper.  Remember it is not what you can't have but what you can have.

1.  Egg whites, eggs, hard boiled eggs
2.  Elite Brand Protein-Vanilla or French Vanilla (Vitamin Shoppe)
3.  Vega Protein Drink - Vanilla, Chocolate, Berry (Sprouts, Amazon)
4.  Frozen Strawberries, berries, mixed fruit (Costco, large bags))
5.  Apples, Pineapple, small bananas
6.  V8-low sodium
7.  Canned Pumpkin (plain pumpkin puree)
8.  Stevia Plant Sugar (liquid or packet)
9.  Pamela's Flour (gluten alternative) - Gluten free pancakes, bread
10.  Rice Bran Oil or Olive Oil
11.  Brown rice pasta (most any store) or brow rice (freezer section at Frys)
12.  Arrabiata Sauce (Trader Joes) - spicy marinara or other    marinara with only 5-6 ingredients.
13.  Ground turkey or Chicken
14.  Salsa
15.  Corn Tortillas (Arizona Brand - Frys) - 30 calories per tortilla
16.  Beans - Refried Beans - get a brand with no lard or make your own (Rosarita or Old El Paso)
17.  Green Sauce - be sure to get one without what or MSG-Hatch Green Chili
18.  Almond Milk
19.  White cheeses-cheese sticks, provolone, Parmesans, mozzarella, Havarti
20.  White fish- colder, white or tuna
21.  Nuts - Almonds, walnuts, pecans
22.  Meal replacement food bars - Think Thin or Lara Bars (Lara Bars need balance with liquid protein.
23.  Yogurt - Carbmaster (Frys) - 4 carbs/8 proteins
24.  Green, Red, Yellow, orange, Purple veggies (including onions).
25.  Walden Farms Brand of Salad Dressings, Fudge Chocolate, Barbecue sauce, etc. (Sprouts/Frys).
26.  Nellie and Joes Lime Juice
27.  Butter Spray - Great Value - Walmart brand - Yellow lid
28.  Whip Cream-Land O Lakes Whipped Heavy Cream - Sugar
Free (Walmart-83rd/Union Hills)
29.  Dried Apples
30.  PB2-Dried Peanut Butter w/Chocolate of just Peanut butter - online-Linda's Diet Delights or Amazon.

Check this out - 1. Sprouts has recently added many, many Gluten-free foods in the last month.  2.  Amazon.com has a very large list of gluten-free foods.

I will continue to add to the gluten-free list of foods as we go along on our nutrition program.    Have a wonderful day.   Gloria

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


1.     Microwave's kill the nutrients in food.

2.    Vinegar can be used as a cleaning agent.

3.    Fresh and/or frozen fruit and vegetables are better than canned food because of the additives that in put in during processing. 

4.    Have you ever wondered why canned food can last for years - one reason is additives?

5.    Recent studies have showned that the popular brands of cosmetics have harmful ingredients in them. 

6.    The good thing is that there are products out there that DO NOT have harmful ingredients.  Check the labels.

7.    You can use Oat Bran (gluten-free) to make pancakes instead of regular pancake mix.  They taste great.

8.    You can eat healthier by eating vegetarian, organic. allergen-free and gluten-free foods?

9.    You should drink a minimum of 1-1/2 gallons of water per day?

10.  You will loose inches before pounds.

I hope all of you are having a great day. 


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Premier Sponsor-SPROUTS Farmers Market
Saturday, April 21, 2012

What a fabulous event.  I came home with so much information. Over the next few months,  (probably years) I will pass this information on to you.  While I don't have Celiac disease, I am gluten-intolerant so I also have to be very careful about what I can and cannot eat.  There is a ton of information out there.  Nobody needs to suffer, they just need to find the right doctors,foods, companies, restaurants, books and information where they can learn to be healthy and be able to eat the right foods.

If you do not have Celiac Disease but you know that some members of your family and friends do have it or are gluten-intolerant, please be kind to your family and friends and provide alternative food when they are around. 

The Expo sponsors and contributors worked very, very hard and it showed.  Would I go to next years event - in a heartbeat!  All the gluten-free companies gave out plenty of fliers, pamphlets, literature and samples of snacks on all their products.

The Celiac Disease organizations were giving out very important information on this subject. I will pass this along.  I am also going to compile an alphabetical list of web sites from all the companies, organizations and support groups as soon as I can compile this information.

Friday, April 20, 2012


The first blog is the nutrition blog.

For those of you who like poetry, the second blog contains poems from my book, “Reflections: A Moment in Time”.  You can sit back and enjoy.

 You will find both blogs located at the following sites:

 `1.  Gloria’s Nutrition Tips & Facts: 

  2.  Book: “Reflections: A Moment in Time”
       www.gloriahildreth.com.  Then click on the word “blog” in the menu row at the top of the  page.  That will take you right into the blog.

Please feel free to pass these blog sites on to friends, family and colleagues.  I hope you enjoy the variety of information.  Please leave me a note on the blogs about what you experienced, the feelings you felt and what other information you might want.

Hildreth Enterprises, LLC
"Reflections:  A Moment In Time"
Blog:  www.gloriahildreth.com
Gloria's Nutrition Tips & Facts
Blog:  http://gloria-nutrition.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Sprouts Farmers Market Gluten-Free Grocery Guide is a great tool to gain a basic understanding of that "Gluten-Free" means and what Sprouts has to offer.

Since I have been on a gluten-free diet for 14 months, I will be relaying information to you.  You may not be gluten intolerent but I am sure someone in your family, neighborhood or work place is.  Please share this information with them.
1.  Who should consider a gluten-free diet?
2.  What is gluten?
3.  Where is gluten found in nature?
4.  Tips on foods you can eat and foods to avoid.
5.  Products that are Gluten-free items and available at Sprouts.
6.  Resources, information and ideas for a gluten-free diet.

Experts say that 20% of American are interested in gluten-free products and are exploring the relationship of eliminating gluten from their diets and its effect on their health.  For people who have been diagnozed with celiac disease, a gluten-free diet is a medical necessity.  For others, it may be a poersonal choice.

Possible reason for eliminating gluten are:
. Celiac disease
. Digestive disorders
. Dermatitis herpetiformis and/or skin disorders
.Wheat allergies
. Gluten insensitivities or intolerances
. Autism and related disorders (A gluten-free, casein-free diet has been used as an adjunct intervention treatment).  See resources for more information.

Whether it is a medical necessity or a matter of personal preference, there are many reasons to adopt a gluten-free diet.  Please consult your healthcare practitioner to discuss whether a gluten-free diet is appropriate for your personal health and lifestyle.

Thursday, March 22, 2012



1.  Never eat a carb without a protein.
2.  Hidden Valley Ranch Dip Mix has 0 calories and no MSG.
3.  Use white corn tortilla by Arizona Brand.
4.  Bisquick has a gluten-free product.
5.  Sprouts and Fry's carry Walden Farm Dressings with 0 calories and gluten-free.
6.  Costco sarry's Victoria Brand Marinara sauce is gluten-free..
7.  Use brown rice or black
8.  Healthy stacks include pumpkin, 1/2 an apple, banana, nachos, omelet made from Egg Beaters,
9.  Use Swanson Chicken Broth to add flavor to your meal when cooking chicken and/or vegetables.  It is pure broth, no additives.
10. Some health snacks are 1 oz walnuts, 1 oz pecans, 1 oz almonds; spinach, gr beans, cucumbers, frozen pineapple only are very healthy.
11.  Kashi is a good cereal to use gluten-free and no MSG.
12.  Use Smart Balance lite or I Can't Believe Its Butter spray.
13.  You should not eat fruit at 2:00 pm.
14.  Greek yogurt helps digestion.
15.  Vegetables should be red, green, yellow or white.
16.  Mongolian restaurants do not use MSG.
17. There is a vegetarian chili.
18.  Make sure your shake mix has no MSG in it.
19.  Use Stevia with 0 calories or additives instead of regular white sugar.
20.  Fix yourself a cup of hot tea with honey and cinnamon before you go to bed.
21.  A 1/2 of sweet potatoes is 103 calories.
22.  Fix a healthy shake in the will start your day off with all the good things in it and none of the bad things.  Read the ingredients if you are not familiar with the shake mix and talk to the people at the store who are in charge of these kind of things.  Research the Internet as well.
23.  Split a Think Thin bar (or similar) in half so that you can snack mid morning and/or mid afternoon.
24.  Provolone cheese has the least amount of calories for cheese.
25.  White cheese has less calories than yellow cheese.



1/2 container of CarbMaster yogurt = 30 calories
      (save the other 1/2 container for later in the day)

37 rice crackers (size of a quarter) = 130 calories

1 egg beaters omelet w/ provolone cheese
   and 1/4 cup spinach                     = 43 calories

1/2 Think Thin bar                          =120 calories

1/4 cup spinach                               = 3 calories

1 oz almonds                                   = 104 calories


According to Mayo Clinic - What does a 100 calorie snack look like?

Although snacks can contribute to a healthy diet, they can also be a source of excess calories if you aren't careful.  For example, a small handful of almonds (about 14 nuts) contains 100 calories.  But eat a cup of almonds, and the calorie count jumps to over 800 calories.

So what are some smart choices?  Here are several suggestions for 100-calorie snacks:

1 cup sliced bananas and fresh raspberries
2 cups of carrots
3 1/2 cups air-popped popcorn
5 melba toast crackers, rye or pumpernickle
3 tablespoons of nuts
2 domino-sized slices of low-fat Colby or cheddar cheese
1 fat-free chocolate pudding cup.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012



There is a carpet/furniture cleaning company that uses 11.9 water instead of smelly unhealthy chemicals to clean my house.  I am very sensitive and very allergic to chemicals so I have been looking for a company that only uses natural products.  ZeroRez  has been in business for 8 years and only use 11.9 water and no chemicals what so ever.  Since I have a water system in my home I am familiar with the different waters - most city water is 7.0 with chemicals, crud and is not really healthy to drink or cook with.

I bought a water system 2 years ago for my health.  That is the only water I drink.  I drink the highest water count of 9.5 ph level (do not drink 11.9 water).  That was important to me because I had parasites in my body.  Parasites can not live in 9.5 water.  It took about a year but I eventually got rid of the parasites.  Parasites can eventually kill you by sucking out all your nutrients for themselves.  This is one of many things I have been doing to improve my health.

Bottled water is not what you think it is. It is just as unhealthy as city water.   It is not good quality, the ph level is not very high no matter what high price you pay for that bottled water.  I have seen the difference in waters in many demonstrations.

I also clean with 11.5 water because of my animals.  I do not buy laundry soap anymore, because I add 4 gallons of cold 2.5 water to do laundry, let it soak if there are stains for about 30 minutes and then fill the tub up with regular cold water.  Takes out stains like magic.  Believe me that is all I use for laundry, spills on the carpet, as well as, animals stains.

Even if you do not have a high quality water machine it doesn't mean that you have to let people in your house to clean your carpet with danagerous chemicals.

Just another way to get healthy and stay healthy!   I hope you all have a great day.      Gloria

Tuesday, March 20, 2012



Have you ever heard of 'dry mouth'?  Well I hadn't heard of it, yet I knew that I had it and just didn't understand it.  I first checked with my dentist who said this is quite common and he asked me if I took any medications and I said yes.  He then checked my mouth, throat, etc. and then recommended Biotene as one of many products on the marker for dry mouth.

Looking back over my lifetime, I realized I fit into that category.  So I decided to do some research.  I discovered not only is dry mouth a side effect of taking medications but depression, anxiety, allergies (I also have a ton of allergies) and colds (we have all had those), obesity (certainly many years in my lifetime), acne, epilepst, hypertension, diarrhea, nausea, asthma (there I am again), urinary incontinence, muscle relaxants and sedatives to name a few. There are many, many other conditions that can cause dry mouth.

Some of the symptons of dry mouth are sticky, dry feeling in the mouth, frequent thirst, sores in the mouth and cracked lips.  Your throat can also become very, very dry.  These are only a few examples of why you have dry mouth.  Do your research as I did, to find out there are many, many reason to numerous to mention.

Once you hear about dry mouth, you will know if you have it.  Do some research of course.  But always check with your doctor or dentist to make sure.  Don't self medicate but follow the advice of your doctor. 

Research, research, research is always a good place to start.

I hope you are having a great day.   Gloria

Wednesday, March 14, 2012



 1.  "The Dirty Dozen" 12 most contaminated fruits and veggies.

              1.  Strawberries      7.  Celery     
              2.  Bell Peppers      8.  Apples
              3.  Spinach              9.  Apricots
              4.  Cherries (US)   10. Green beans
              5.  Peaches             11. Chilean Grapes
              6.  Cantaloupe-Mx
12. Cucumbers
  2.  "The Best" 12 least contaminated fruits and veggies.

             1.  Avocados                7.  US Grapes
             2.  Corn                        8.  Bananas
             3.  Onions                     9.  Plums
             4.  Sweet Potato         10. Green onions
             5.  Cauliflower           11. Watermelon
             6.  Brussels Sprouts   12. Broccoli

"Environmental Medicine for the Clinician"
W. Cannon, N.D 2002

I hope you had a great day.  Gloria Hildreth

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I just finished making myself a 'Gluten-Free' placard to be placed on a restaurant table to notify the wait-staff that special care needs to be taken with my food..This is an easy project and didn't take much time.  I made the placard, from the fold on a manila folder The placard is about 4" high and 2 3/4" wide.  It will stand up like a tent.  Do not put the tape over the fold. It will hinder the tent standing up properly.

I was going to go to Staples or Kinkos and have them plastic coated and decided to save the money and use my crafting skills.

1. Using your computer, type in large bold letters GLUTEN-FREE several times, one below the other all the way down the page.  I used a thick pt 28, bold type.  You will need to leave spaces down the page depending on how many placards you make for yourself.  I made 2 sets, with the printing on the front and back of each placard.

2.  Take a manila folder and measure the size of your placard at the fold on the manila folder.  You can get 2 or 3 across the fold of the manila folder depending on the size print you use.  You want the print to be big and also bold.

3.  Take a big black marker and run it along all 4 edge (sides) of each placard.  It gives it a border and really looks professional.

4.  Get a roll of clear packaging tape about 2" wide.  Cover the placard with 2 strips on each side.  Make sure you moved the tape to cover the bottom edge on both sides about 1/4"  just in case water ends up on the table where your placard is sitting.

Since we are going out to dinner this weekend, I figured no time like the present to do this project.

Some tidbits about me -  I am very creative, an avid scrapper and love decorating, so I try almost anything.  I am a right-brain, left-brain person so you will see both side of me - the creative side, such as decorating, about 15-20 scrapbooks in the last several years, as well as the extremely detailed, organized, and project oriented side of me.  I love the challenges.

If you have any questions about this project, just send me a note on the blog and I will get back with you.  Have a great week.           Gloria


How  many of you are Gluten-intolerent?  When you know you are going to a restaurant do you go on the web first and check their menu to see if they carry gluten-free items?   When you go to a restaurant do you ask for a Gluten-Free menu?  The first thing you should do when you sit down at the table is put a table card down that says GLUTEN-FREE.  If you don't have a card, make one on your computer - you can make up several on a page.  Take it to a copy store that also can put a plastic sheet on it and then have them cut them up.  Believe me this will save you a lot of hassel but most important it will save you from getting sick.  And after all, that is what is important.

Have a great day.


Suggested Food Items Without MSG, etc.

1.  Shake of your choice vegetarian, whey, etc.  Check the ingredients to make sure it is healthy in the sodium, calories, etc. but not one that has the bad things in it. There are many options.  This will sustain you for complete meal nutrition.

2.  Frys, Sprouts or check your local stores for the Organic or Health Food section.

3.  Think Thin bars - gluten free, high protein, no MSG, fillers, fat and sugar free:  a large variety to choose from.  Sprouts, Fry's and Amazon.com

4.  Nulaid ReddiEgg vs Egg Beaters - 1/2 the price of Egg Beaters with exact same ingredients, gluten free.

5.  CarbMaster Yogurt - Fry's with a very large variety - gluten free, 0 fat, high protein.

6.  Dannon Greek Yogurt - 0 fat, high protein, gluten free.

7.  Swanson Broth - Chicken, etc. - No MSG, fat free, 33% less low sodium, gluten free.

8.  Dannon Almond Breeze (milk; 90 calories, no fat or cholesterol

9.  Walden Farms - Pancake syrup, - fat and sugar free.

10.  Walden Farms Dressings - gluten free, cholesterol free, MSG free.

11.  I can't Believe Its not Butter - original spray

12.  Oat Bran to make pancakes - gluten-free

13.  Cashews - no salt, Sprouts or check any place that has bulk food area.

14.  Rice Crackers - 37 crackers per serving (size of a quarter)

15.  Stevia - Costco in bulk, grocery stores in smaller quantities.

Sunday, March 11, 2012



So far, I have told you about my weight loss journey and I have talked about you going on your weight loss journey. About my top weight of 198#, down to meeting my goal weight of 110#.  My doctors was absolutely astounded at my documentation, some of my articles and was happy that my numbers were where they needed to be.  She even made copies of some the articles I had.

I have urged you to check with your doctor.  I want you to know all of your numbers and that you are documenting your numbers.  Your doctor should have also told you the level of exercising that you should be doing and why.  Hopefully you have done all of these things.  You need to decide whether you are going slow or bite the bullet and tackle several things at once.  I myself could not spend several weeks taking one week at a time to decide what I would give up, what exercise I would do or if I felt I needed to go to the doctor for advice - but that is just me. 

 As a follow up, I would like to see where you are at.

1. Doctor and Measurements:  Did you make an appt with your doctor.  Have you had blood tests so that you know your numbers?  Did your doctor say what type exercise you should or shouldn't do because of a medical condition, age or health issues?  Have you taken all your measurements:  arm, thigh, hips, waist, and weight once a week?  This should always show up in your log so that you always know where this information it.  Remember to date your page and day of the week.

2.  Restroom:  Make sure you know where the restroom is before you start walking.When I decided on mall walking as my exercise, I started out slow.  The first few days I walked around the top floor of Arrowhead mall 2 times.  I felt good and nothing was sore.

 3. Sturdy Tennis Shoes:  However, I had never had a decent pair of good walking shoes and my feet started getting sore.  Easy remedy - I stopped in at Dicks Sporting Good store in the mall,one day during my walk and got fitted properly because I have very, very flat feet - I mean no arch at all.  I really noticed a difference the very same day.  So make sure you don't just mall walk or exercise in the little white tennies but something sturdy with a thick sole.  Your feet and back will be forever grateful.

4.  Increase Steps:  I then picked it up a bit and  for the rest of the week I walked 4 times around the top floor. I particularly paid attention to my back, you don't want to know how many bones are not in the right place :), but it was doing just fine.

The third week I walked 6 times around the top floor of the mall and was glad I had searched out the restroom ahead of time.  By the end of the month I was walking 8 times around the top floor.  I loved it!

I loved looking into the store window and watched the puppies play at the puppy store.  I was still monitoring my steps and converting them into miles.  This was also documented on my daily logging sheet. 

5. Documentation:   I really liked documenting exactly what I ate, the quantities as well as the protein, fat, carbs.calories, quantity, sugar, sodium, etc.  I also make a list of do's and dont's.  Three times I got very, very sick because I ate something with gluten in it.  Boy what a mistake that was.

6. Groceries: My grocery list is typed up in my computer and I leave blank spaces to pencil new items I can eat, the brand name because that information has already been checked out.  This saves a ton of time.  Another thing that saves a ton of time is only shopping on the outside of the store aisles.  Everything in the middle of the store is canned goods loaded with sodium, chemicals, and things you have never heard of; but certainly not nutritious.

7.  I would love to hear how you are doing.  Don't let people push food on you when they know you have an allergy like gluten or that it is full of empty calories. Once they realize it makes you very, very sick  they should not be a problem, if they continue to push you, they are not your friend.  You should  also have a buddy, friend, relative, neighbor to help each other along.  Just stick to your guns whether its gluten, sugar, starch, sodium, etc.  More people are allergic to gluten that they realize.  I speak from experience.

8.  As a reminder, I do have a list of restaurants where you can get healthy food.  I researched about 150 restaurants (online) and found 39 restaurants web sites with some or all of the following headings:  Restaurant Name, Food Menu, Allergen Info., Nutrician Chart, Gluten-Free Food and Vegetarian Options.  Unfortunately, I was only able to find one that lists MSG. 

If you would like this list e-mailed to you, please e-mail me at ghildreth@cox.net with this request.

9.  The bottom line and most important thing is your health and well being.

I will encourage you along so keep me posted..  Gloria

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Restaurant Nutrition Reports - Please send me an e-mail requesting this report and I will e-mail it to you.  ghildreth@cox.net    

I was not able to put my chart into this box.  I have 39 restaurants that I have checked on their websites the following categories:
(1) Restaurant name,
(2) Food Menu,
(3) Allergen Info,
(4) Nutrician Chart,
(5) Gluten-Free Food
(6) Vegetarian Options
(7) MSG - only one I could find was Cousins Subs.

I have printed out one copy of the menu's but because of the volume of information on the menues I am not able to make those available to you.  The chart that I made will tell you what you want to know.  Out of 150 restaurant searches I was only able to find 39 with relavant information.  However, this is a good list to help you get started on how to eat healthy when you eat out.

If you like blogs you might be interested to see my second blog by going on my other website.
            http://www.gloriahildreth.com/Just click on the word "blog" in the headings of the website and it will take you right into my "Reflections: A Moment in time" blog.  Let me know what you think of both sites.  Enjoy!

If you have any questions, again, just e-mail me ag ghildreth.@cox.net

Gloria Hildreth

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have been on my journey for many years.  I am 4'8" tall and my top weight was 198#, my weight today is 110#.  I still have very broad shoulders and no butt. I am not exactly model material :) 

I checked with my doctor before I started to change my eating habits and my physical way to exercise by mall walking.  I brought her all my documentation that I keep in my "Gloria's Healthy Living" book.   We even bought a new up- to-date digital scale.  I have copies of all my blood tests that are taken on a regular basis.  My cholesterol has always been in the mid 400's - this was not good.  I was on 8-9 different medications.

Six months after I started eating healthy and mall walking, my cholesterol was a down to 185 and I am down to 2 medications.  Through my documentation of my numbers I was seeing the inches come off.  I was very, very strict with what I ate, when I ate (5-6 times a day) and always documented everything that I ate.  This time it just seemed so easy.  I never craved anything and I was never hungry.

I felt great when I was able to get rid of all my fat clothes.  By being thrifty, I tried to shrink as many clothes in my dryer until I could buy some new clothes a little at a time.  What a celebration!

To add to my physical medical condition, I have always had constant pain in my back.  I was born with scoliosis, my shoulders are in the wrong place, my spine is shaped like a lazy 'S', my hips are crooked, and I have 2 extra joints and an extra lumbar.  I had, what is called a 'military neck'.  Believe me when I say I have a very, very high threshold for pain.  I even found someone who could put my atlas (military neck) back in place, so I no longer have a military neck, I no longer have constant pain in my neck!

There is very good reason why you must be checked by your doctors on a regular basis.  I see my doctors twice a year and have regular blood tests about 3 times a year.

I have so much energy that I took on another big project - I wrote a book of poems that I published 2 years ago.  However, I kept my poems a secret for over 28 years.  I was just trying to heal from my divorce, when I moved from Michigan to Arizona.  Once day the writing just came to me.  I never had a poetry class and never read poetry.   I never thought about such a thing.  I wrote poetry after a very bad divorce and moving to Arizona.  Writing was a way to put my mental pain down on paper.  Publishing was a way to help others who have gone through mental pain.  But that is another story.

You can see my story and some of my poems in my other blog in Google. 

Gloria Hildreth
"Reflections: A Moment In Time"
copyright 2009

Monday, March 5, 2012


1.   After you have purchased your food counter book and your gluten-free survival guide you can start looking into what you want to eat.  Make it simple in the beginning.  I don't want you getting frustrated at the start of your program.

2.  Get your 5 x 8 thick spiral (you will use a new page each day).  Start logging in the date, time to eat, portion qty, food item.

3.  Exercise/Mall Walking.  (1) Make sure you have your protein shake before you exercise.  You get your pedometer ready so that your steps can be converted into miles.  Make sure you have good sturdy tennies for walking or for whatever exercise you choose to do.  By going to a sports store they will point you in the right direction based on the type of exercise you will be doing. 

4.  Arrowhead Mall doors are open for walkers from 6:00 am - 11:00 pm, 7 days a week.  If you go to the mall before the stores open you will find plenty of parking spaces close to the doors.  (If you get a buddy to do the same things you are doing that could be your chat time or catch up time with each other.)

5.  Just above the bottom of the page write down your mall walking pedometer number and convert it into mileage.

6.  Make sure you take a water bottle with you.  Drink water as you go along.  There is a restroom in the Arrowhead Mall on the second floor by the food court.

7.  You must eat something every 2-3 hours 4 to 6 times a day. 

8.  At the end of the day count up your calories and the quantities you have eaten.

9.  Take your measurement once a week:  Hips, thighs, top of arm, top of leg,
weight.  Make sure you have a good scale.  Our scale was so old is was off by several pounds.

Let me know how this works out. 


Friday, March 2, 2012


I have been thinking back to when I started on my new health plan.  For the first time I was eager to start my journey.  Since I am very detail oriented I needed to document, document, document.  I got out my trusty food counter book, pad and spiral to document every morsel that goes in my mouth, the time of day, portion sizes, calories, etc.  (I will go into more detail as we go along).

Since I am unable to do strenuous exercise I had to think about what I could do that was safe, fun, relaxing with pretty scenery.  It dawned on me that mall walking was very safe.  After all there are lots of people around, pretty store windows to look at, meet new people who were also enjoying their mall walking, the building is air conditioned, has restroom facilities, security officers and I could even get a healthy salad-no beverage, if I want, and I bring my own water.

I bought a pedometer and have a step-counter on my iPhone.  I was all set to start my journey.  It was great and I was walking 6-10 miles a day in the safe environment of the mall.  The mileage was exciting and the time flew by.

Think about this and let me know what you think of this as a starting plan.  I have added many more things to my new health plan. 

Are you committed to your journey?  Let me know how I can help you.


Thursday, March 1, 2012


Hi!  I'm Gloria and I have been on a weight loss journey for many years and have finally met my goal weight.  Like you, I tried many times to lose the weight.  In the last two to three years I figured out the 'unique' combination to my body's ability to lose weight.  I have had many people ask me to share what I have discovered through this journey.  My friend suggested I start to blog my findings.  I hope you enjoy my tips, facts and tricks.  I plan to share food plans, restaurant information, weight loss ideas, recipes, and the benefits of 'mall' walking. 

I look forward to your comments. 

Have a great day!  Gloria