Sunday, March 11, 2012



So far, I have told you about my weight loss journey and I have talked about you going on your weight loss journey. About my top weight of 198#, down to meeting my goal weight of 110#.  My doctors was absolutely astounded at my documentation, some of my articles and was happy that my numbers were where they needed to be.  She even made copies of some the articles I had.

I have urged you to check with your doctor.  I want you to know all of your numbers and that you are documenting your numbers.  Your doctor should have also told you the level of exercising that you should be doing and why.  Hopefully you have done all of these things.  You need to decide whether you are going slow or bite the bullet and tackle several things at once.  I myself could not spend several weeks taking one week at a time to decide what I would give up, what exercise I would do or if I felt I needed to go to the doctor for advice - but that is just me. 

 As a follow up, I would like to see where you are at.

1. Doctor and Measurements:  Did you make an appt with your doctor.  Have you had blood tests so that you know your numbers?  Did your doctor say what type exercise you should or shouldn't do because of a medical condition, age or health issues?  Have you taken all your measurements:  arm, thigh, hips, waist, and weight once a week?  This should always show up in your log so that you always know where this information it.  Remember to date your page and day of the week.

2.  Restroom:  Make sure you know where the restroom is before you start walking.When I decided on mall walking as my exercise, I started out slow.  The first few days I walked around the top floor of Arrowhead mall 2 times.  I felt good and nothing was sore.

 3. Sturdy Tennis Shoes:  However, I had never had a decent pair of good walking shoes and my feet started getting sore.  Easy remedy - I stopped in at Dicks Sporting Good store in the mall,one day during my walk and got fitted properly because I have very, very flat feet - I mean no arch at all.  I really noticed a difference the very same day.  So make sure you don't just mall walk or exercise in the little white tennies but something sturdy with a thick sole.  Your feet and back will be forever grateful.

4.  Increase Steps:  I then picked it up a bit and  for the rest of the week I walked 4 times around the top floor. I particularly paid attention to my back, you don't want to know how many bones are not in the right place :), but it was doing just fine.

The third week I walked 6 times around the top floor of the mall and was glad I had searched out the restroom ahead of time.  By the end of the month I was walking 8 times around the top floor.  I loved it!

I loved looking into the store window and watched the puppies play at the puppy store.  I was still monitoring my steps and converting them into miles.  This was also documented on my daily logging sheet. 

5. Documentation:   I really liked documenting exactly what I ate, the quantities as well as the protein, fat, carbs.calories, quantity, sugar, sodium, etc.  I also make a list of do's and dont's.  Three times I got very, very sick because I ate something with gluten in it.  Boy what a mistake that was.

6. Groceries: My grocery list is typed up in my computer and I leave blank spaces to pencil new items I can eat, the brand name because that information has already been checked out.  This saves a ton of time.  Another thing that saves a ton of time is only shopping on the outside of the store aisles.  Everything in the middle of the store is canned goods loaded with sodium, chemicals, and things you have never heard of; but certainly not nutritious.

7.  I would love to hear how you are doing.  Don't let people push food on you when they know you have an allergy like gluten or that it is full of empty calories. Once they realize it makes you very, very sick  they should not be a problem, if they continue to push you, they are not your friend.  You should  also have a buddy, friend, relative, neighbor to help each other along.  Just stick to your guns whether its gluten, sugar, starch, sodium, etc.  More people are allergic to gluten that they realize.  I speak from experience.

8.  As a reminder, I do have a list of restaurants where you can get healthy food.  I researched about 150 restaurants (online) and found 39 restaurants web sites with some or all of the following headings:  Restaurant Name, Food Menu, Allergen Info., Nutrician Chart, Gluten-Free Food and Vegetarian Options.  Unfortunately, I was only able to find one that lists MSG. 

If you would like this list e-mailed to you, please e-mail me at with this request.

9.  The bottom line and most important thing is your health and well being.

I will encourage you along so keep me posted..  Gloria

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