Tuesday, March 6, 2012


I have been on my journey for many years.  I am 4'8" tall and my top weight was 198#, my weight today is 110#.  I still have very broad shoulders and no butt. I am not exactly model material :) 

I checked with my doctor before I started to change my eating habits and my physical way to exercise by mall walking.  I brought her all my documentation that I keep in my "Gloria's Healthy Living" book.   We even bought a new up- to-date digital scale.  I have copies of all my blood tests that are taken on a regular basis.  My cholesterol has always been in the mid 400's - this was not good.  I was on 8-9 different medications.

Six months after I started eating healthy and mall walking, my cholesterol was a down to 185 and I am down to 2 medications.  Through my documentation of my numbers I was seeing the inches come off.  I was very, very strict with what I ate, when I ate (5-6 times a day) and always documented everything that I ate.  This time it just seemed so easy.  I never craved anything and I was never hungry.

I felt great when I was able to get rid of all my fat clothes.  By being thrifty, I tried to shrink as many clothes in my dryer until I could buy some new clothes a little at a time.  What a celebration!

To add to my physical medical condition, I have always had constant pain in my back.  I was born with scoliosis, my shoulders are in the wrong place, my spine is shaped like a lazy 'S', my hips are crooked, and I have 2 extra joints and an extra lumbar.  I had, what is called a 'military neck'.  Believe me when I say I have a very, very high threshold for pain.  I even found someone who could put my atlas (military neck) back in place, so I no longer have a military neck, I no longer have constant pain in my neck!

There is very good reason why you must be checked by your doctors on a regular basis.  I see my doctors twice a year and have regular blood tests about 3 times a year.

I have so much energy that I took on another big project - I wrote a book of poems that I published 2 years ago.  However, I kept my poems a secret for over 28 years.  I was just trying to heal from my divorce, when I moved from Michigan to Arizona.  Once day the writing just came to me.  I never had a poetry class and never read poetry.   I never thought about such a thing.  I wrote poetry after a very bad divorce and moving to Arizona.  Writing was a way to put my mental pain down on paper.  Publishing was a way to help others who have gone through mental pain.  But that is another story.

You can see my story and some of my poems in my other blog in Google. 

Gloria Hildreth
"Reflections: A Moment In Time"
copyright 2009

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