Tuesday, June 19, 2012


The list of the dirty dozen rank the highest for pesticide residue by the FDA and the Department of Agriculture.

This is a second food list I found and have published.   Their are some differences from the previous list, I published in March.  I wanted to make sure you had both lists.  We can never be too safe in the food we eat and what we might have to scrub, soak or peel.

1.    Apples
2.    Celery
3.    Sweet bell peppers
4.    Peaches
5.    Strawberries
6.    Imported nectarines
7.    Grapes
8.    Spinach
9.    Lettuce
10.  Cucumbers
11.  Domestic blueberries
12.  Potatoes

1.    Onions.
2.    Sweet corn
3.    Pineapples
4.    Avocado
5.    Cabbage
6.    Sweet peas
7.    Asparagus
8.    Mangoes
9.    Eggplant
10.  Kiwi
11.  Domestic cantaloupe
12.   Sweet potatoes
13.   Grapefruit
14.  Watermelon
15.   Mushrooms

Thank you Channel 15 for publishing and broadcasting this important information.

Be safe and I hope you are staying out of the heat and away from the fires.  Gloria

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Maintaining Weight and Cancaer Treatment

Cancer is a difficult disease to fight for most people.  The effects of cancer can be physically and emotionally draining as your body fights for survival.  However, eating a healthy, nutritious diet can help with the symptoms of cancer as well as the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Healthy Eating Equates Better Survival Rates

According to the National Cancer Institute nutrition is an important aspect of cancer treatment.  In study after study, the cancer and mesothelioma survival rate improves for patients during and after treatment when they eat and drink enough of the foods the body requires.

Patients who do not eat enough foods high in nutrients frequently suffer from malnutrition, which can compromise a person's ability to fight infection, cause weight loss and loss of strength.  Patients who eat a healthy diet and are well nourished before and during cancer treatment have a better long term chance of recovery than those who do not.

Loss of Appetite

One of the most common side effects of cancer and cancer treatment loss of appetite.  This condition can result in anorexia, in which a person stops eating or has difficulty eating, resulting in weight loss.  Anorexia can occur at almost any stage of cancer, but it is extremely common in advanced stages.

Cachexia is a condition that is common in people with lung, upper gastrointestinal tract and pancreatic cancer.  It is marked by loss of appetite, general malaise, loss of muscle strength and muscle loss.

Both anorexia and cachexia can result in malnutrition and it is possible to have both conditions at the same time.  It is important to watch for signs of either cachexia or anorexia and correct them early, since it is difficult to reverse problems with appetite, particularly as cancer advances.

Medical Treatment of Weight Loss

Because maintaining a healthy weight is extremely important during cancer treatment, many doctors and oncologists will recommend medications to improve appetite.  Medications may help with digestion, increase appetite, prevent constipation, improve uncomfortable mouth symptoms, prevent diarrhea and treat pain.

Food Recommendations

Many patients find that eating small amounts of food every two to three hours can help them eat more across the day, even if their appetite is poor.  Eating high calorie, high protein foods can help, including:

o  Muffins
o  Yogurt
o  Ice Cream
o  Milkshakes
o  Pudding
o  Crackers
o  Nutritional Supplement Drinks
o  Peanut Butter or Cream Cheese on Crackers
o  Deviled Eggs
o  Chocolate

Adding honey, butter and powdered milk to foods can add needed calories and protein.  For individuals with difficulty eating solid foods, smoothies, milkshakes juice and soup can be helpful foods to eat.

Eating enough food to maintain a healthy weight is critical for cancer patients.  By eating foods that are appealing in small amounts throughout the day, cancer patients may be able to avoid malnutrition and fight their cancer more easily.

Jillian McKee
Complementary Medicine Advocate

Jillian, thank you so much for sharing this nutritional information for cancer patients with all of us. I look forward to future articles from you.
Gloria Hildreth